Si bien la principal línea de investigación de ISM consiste en estudiar nuevas lineas de tratamiento para las alteraciones en el control eyaculatorio en colaboración con empresas privadas y la Universidad Miguel Hernandez desde 2013, tambien estamos desarrollando nuevas lineas de tratamiento para vaginismo, dispareunia y problemas de excitación en la mujer desde 2020, asi como nuevas herramientas para tratar problemas de erección desde 2023.
- "Tratamiento de la Eyaculación Precoz Primaria : Serie de Casos con un Dispositivo Masturbador "
- "Male masturbation device for the treatment of premature ejaculation"
- "A new treatment for premature ejaculation: Case series for a desensitizing masturbators"
- "Clinical correlation between erectile function and ejaculatory function in the Czech male population"
- "New Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Delayed Ejaculation Using a Masturbation Aid Device and Mobile App: A Case Study"
- "Improved erectile function after focal muscle vibrations therapy in a patient with neurogenic erectile dysfunction: a case report"
- "Safety and Preliminary Outcomes of a Vibrating Constriction Ring for Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction"
- "Novel Therapeutic Approach for Vaginismus: A Case Report"
- "A Clinical Case Demonstrating the Use of a Constriction Vibration Ring for Non-organic Erectile Dysfunction"
- "Successful treatment of female sexual arousal disorder using a pattern of focused mechanical vibration via a portable vibrating device"
- "New treatment for premature ejaculation? Case series for a desensitizing masturbation aid"
- "Connection between premature ejaculation and erectile function in a sample of homosexual men"
- "Successful treatment of delayed ejaculation using a masturbation aid device"
- "Nuevos tratamientos conductuales que usan dispositivos de ayuda a la masturbación para la eyaculación precoz: Estado del arte."
- "Efficacy of Sphincter Control Training (SCT) in the treatment of premature ejaculation, a new cognitive behavioral approach: A parallel-group randomized, controlled trial"
- "Efficacy of Sphincter Control Training and medical device in the treatment of premature ejaculation: A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial"
- " Preliminary Results From a Multicenter Study on the Use of a New Device for the Treatment of Genito Pelvic Pain Disorders"
- "Effects and safety of combined hypericum perforatum and quercetine in premature ejaculation: A pilot study "
- "The Use of Virtual Reality Systematic Desensitization for the Treatment of Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction: A Pilot Study"
- "Use of a Vibrating Device in the Management of Female Situational Anorgasmia: Prospective Case Series Study in Women from Southeastern Spain"
- "Potential Effectiveness of Focused Vibration Treatment for Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction: A Case Series"
Project and Publication.
"During 2014 inside the campaign #murciasexproject, the first macrostudy was developed on female sexuality in the Region of Murcia. There was compiled more than 26.000 intimate information of 703 women who were included in "Formless Sexuality of the Woman in the Region of Murcia S.XXI ".
At the end of 2014 and 2015 and 2016 we carry out two studies of a series of cases to value the possible usefulness of a masturbation aid device to control the ejaculation. The results of the aboves mentioned study has been published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction.
Campaign 2016-2020 , treatment and research of alterations in the ejaculation control. There is included a clinical international essay multicenter to value the efficiency as treatment of the Premature Ejaculation of the use of a masturbation aid device and SCT method.
During the second half of the year 2016 a study of cases have been develop to determine the usefulness of the device and a protocolol exercise in the treatment of the Retarded Ejaculation, continuing the way of investigators in Japanese hospitals.